Women in Motorsport Magazine stays on course as first print publication of Women racing various Motorsport disciplines around the world. Covering selection of Women across Europe, America’s, Australasia and Africa, Issue 1 represents 10 plus years of developing niche market for Women racing Motorsport.
The Preview of Pages below, offers sneak peek on what Contents will contain, which disciplines will be covered and facts-figures on sales and distribution of Issue #1. Feature articles are based on Women racing Women Motocross World Championship, Dakar Rally, single-seater F3 with additional Special section on Rising Talent.
Accompanying articles will be promotional sections on Brands and products of sustainability practices which not only enhance an athletes performance but also slot under principle of preserving natural resources for use and recycle. Additional sections offer show-casing of technology which has transformed how athletes connect to fan-bases around the world.
The Magazine has dead-line for printing and distribution on January 2021. Information will be forth-coming on availability of sales. Below are 1st half on Contents followed by first pages of Feature articles.
Further enquiries on advertisement information send to: sharoncox@xtra.co.nz.
Words: Sharon Cox.

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