Hot Topic: how do WMX Athletes rank in terms of getting Official Brand/Team financial support in relation to their MXGP/MX2 male riders?
More specifically, what criteria forms the decisions made in regard to paid salaries for Women Motocross World Championship Athletes racing same GP venue’s, same track layout, same expectation of performance, same pro-endorsement of Sponsors and same hard work as MXGP/MX2 Athletes.
One measure would be Lap-times of WMX riders in comparison to MX2/EMX250 riders- same bike size, with variables relative to day’s racing.

Note 2017 MXGP Pays de Montbeliard Final Round WMX and MX2. Data compares WMX Race 1 with MX2 Qualifying Race with Kiara Fontanesi nailing an impressive 1.50. 639 and Courtney Duncan hitting best lap time at 1.49.395.
With MX2 Qualifying Race next in Schedule, lap times for Hunter Lawrence came in at 1.54.408 and Jonas at 157.627.

Basing data comparison on Race 2 Time Schedule along with bike size (no bike modifications considered) taking into account variables in track conditions and fact WMX Race 2 is first Race breaking track surface Lap-Times were:
WMX Race 2 Duncan: 2.15.248 with Lancelot at 2.28.462.
EMX 250 Race 2 next in Schedule: best lap-times 2.39 and 2.40. MX2 Race 2 Schedule 4 hours post WMX Race 2.
If Lap-Times at World Motocross Championships provides yard-stick to measure performance within classes, equally times provide indication on where female and male riders stand in comparison come racing. Taking into account Schedule of Race Times: WMX always opening Race, comparable bike size, along with professional attributes of all MXGP/MX2/WMX riders a level playing field exists on the track.
Which begs the question does a level playing field exist for Women MX Athletes in terms of promotion, salary and professional endorsement? No. Change is needed.
Words: Sharon Cox
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