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Latest News Author: Sharon Cox

Women achieving results in Motorsport Title page 1_1 (2)

Women achieving results in Motorsport 2022 featuring: Nancy van de Ven, Jamie Chadwick, Sandra Gomez, Ana Carrasco, Maya Weug, and Emma Bristow.

Emma Gilmour shares her thoughts on racing 2022 Extreme Series heading into Round 4 in Chile on September 24-25. With 3 Rounds completed in Desert X Prix, Saudi Arabia followed

Rachael Archer shares her thoughts on racing GNCC WXC with all the highs, lows and in between moments which keep the 19 year old motivated to win. Nailing an impressive

Countdown to Final Round of 2022 Women Motocross World Champion has begun – who will be crowned? Heading to Round 5 of 5 at MXGP of Turkey, the world’s best

Nancy van de Ven shares her thoughts on racing 2022 WMX Championship heading into final Round at MXGP of Turkey this weekend. Nailing a truly sensational season of posting two

Sara Price shares her thoughts on fulfilling her passion to race as one of America’s most successful racing drivers. Milestones have been achieved competing in Motocross, Rallying, Stadium Super Trucks

Tatiana Calderon gains seat with F2 Charouz Racing System for final 4 Rounds heading into F1 Belgium Grand Prix at Spa Francorchamps this weekend. Replacing the Team’s outgoing driver, Tatiana

Are Women in Formula One driving seat at present and for the future? Statistics on females operating Senior Roles across F1 Teams both track-side and at Factory bases paint stark

MXLink moving forward means reaching goals to form fresh perspectives based on producing content for the present and future. Founding principles in 2014 were to provide readers insight on what

Salute Women victorious in Motorsport featuring: Ana Carrasco, Livia Lancelot, Cristina Guteirrez, Kiara Fontanesi, Laia Sanz, Jamie Chadwick, Molly Taylor, Sandra Gomez, Sara Garcia, and Emma Bristow.  

Britain’s elite Women in Motorsport   Words: Sharon Cox
