The power of Media platforms for promotion of Motorsport in it’s entirety is huge, mega in fact.
Not only is the speed that Media items reach viewers instant, global, and on demand, Media broadcasts of Motorsport remains driven by who puts what online to be seen by all.

Motorsport Organizations stream Live Motorsport Racing via numerous Media Channels, TV Networks around the world, pitching real-time race experience to viewers and fans outside actual race venue.
Views, hits, watch-time statistics, audience retention, geographical reach and gender % can all be gauged through Video Analytics which provides Motorsport Organizations valuable data on ROI for paid investors, sponsors and marketing content.
Furthermore, Live broadcasts of racing along with replays, Best Moments, break-downs of racing contain almighty value to Motorsport Organizers on promotion of selected performance of Riders, Teams, Brands, sponsors, venue promoters, product and service providers to retain engagement of viewers pre-during and post racing.
Most certainly, Media platforms of Motorsport Organziations hold powerful positions to show and tell what happens at the track.
Question: how sustainable is providing viewers with Media Organizers selection of Race-Time balanced with viewers interest in creative content on Rider’s themselves?
Given Race-time comes at the pointy end of a Riders preparation: day-in-day out, week-in-week-out training, meeting Team/Brand/Sponsor obligations, juggling professional comitments with personal life, not to mention enjoyment and relaxation slotted in somewhere, how does Media highlight where the passion? dedication? commitment to race comes from?
One example was brought to my attention on recent visit to Italy, filming Kiara Fontanesi WMX 5x Champion. Kiara’s ability to remain grounded pre-during and post racing, to seek what excites her, to keep the motivation level at peak, even when adjusting to tight racing on track has to be admired.

Such character trait is seen, Kiara at home, in casual dress, waiting like ‘opening Xmas present for first time’ rides new bike for first time. Photos says it all.
Media, powerful platform as it is, has the ability to provide viewers and fans a balanced view of Race-Time and real-life pro-personal time which grounds each Rider to perform at the best of their ability through-out each Motorsport season.
Words: Sharon Cox
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