MXLink Media Motorsport has out performed goals set at beginning of 2019 to increase views, broaden audience reach, enlarge geographical scope and increase viewer engagement on production of written and visual content.

With bench-mark set at end of 2018, Media Motorsport written and film content has achieved just shy of 1 million hits to end of September and, equally important attracted 3,000 new viewers on average per month to end of September, 2019.
The increase of hits/views is 109% up from 2018 and increase in Unique views (new viewers) is 79% up from 2018. Increase in geographical reach has peaked with USA top of 25 listed countries, with NZ, France, Germany, Great Britain and Netherlands hitting top 6 spots.
Production of written and visual content has been based on selection of rider, racer and driver to give readers and viewers insight on each character, their personality traits of drive, determination, tenacity and strength of resolve to achieve top results in most physically, mentally and technically demands of Motorsport.
With specfic focus on Women in Motorsport, content produced has sought to broaden reach to mainstream audience showing what Women riders, racers and drivers go through pre-during and post racing. Using various Media tools: articles, interviews, filming in person, skype interviews all from base in NZ, MXLink has established niche market world-wide across following disciplines: Motocross, SuperX, Arena-Cross, SBK, GNCC WXC, World Rally Series and F3 WSeries.

Effective communications has been key to align set goals with promotion of Women in Motorsport with production of Media work in association with FIM Women in Motorcycling, MXGP-TV Race Director, AMA MXSports/RacerX and WSeries. Equally, Media work has aligned with TV Networks and offshore digital sites with production of content broadcast on NZ’s main TV Network: One Sports News- 4x to September 2019.
Overview of Media Motorsport written and visual content has achieved win-win outcomes for riders, racers and drivers with promotion of Brands, Sponsors and support personal highlighted within each production. Not only does one-off written and visual content remain unique to individual, collaborative partnerships are formed, developed and enhanced for future work.

Such combination of production of Media written and visual content created to attract attention within mainstream public provides rider, racer and driver extra ammo when negotiating new seasons sponsorship contracts.
Cost effective production of content delivers quick turn-around of written and visual stories meeting viewers demand for fresh, interesting, new material on time, in spec and within budget.
Always ahead of 8-ball, MXLink delivers out of box thinking, with creative use of technology to promote specifically Women in Motorsport- whom did not have such a following without Media production of written and visual content.
Header Photo: WMX at Czech Republic Photo Credit: MXGP.
Words: Sharon Cox.
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