What is key to gaining Motorsport Riders/Racers TV air-time on premier TV Sports News?

Stand-out, hands-down, no holds barred it’s story content. Not just the story, but how the story is told in such a way to engage viewers attention from opening shot.
Recent initiative to gain NZ’s multi-talented Rachael Archer: National Cross-Country/Enduro Title winner promotion on TVOne Sports News involved the following:
1: Research market demand for behind scenes stories on Athletes/Motorsport Riders/Racers in their day-to-day environment outside actual racing.
2: Analysis on statistics of audience retention on films produced on Athletes/Riders at track racing compared to data on viewers engagement on films on person, sharing their goals, challenges, what they actually do to get ready to race.

3: Establish blue-print on key features of film story focusing on specific areas of content to generate viewer engagement on who Rider is? what makes Rider tick?
4: Broaden story content to give audience glimpse in real-terms how Rider/Racer has achieved goals. This emits sincerity of telling story on the rider who at end of day has worked damn hard to achieve National Motorsport Titles with family backing all the way.
5: Pitch story to TV Sports Producer- maintain absolute confidence in belief that profiles of selected Motorsport Athletes/Riders/Racers is worthy of TV Prime-Time News recognition.
Film edit on Rachael Archer out soon.
Words: Sharon Cox.
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