Promotion of Motocross has shifted dramatically with changes of technology.
From print, to online, to social media along with film and TV the reach is world-wide.
Event organisers can publish up-date results instantly online, televise live racing and post rider interviews to all those unable to be at the event.
Teams can cash in on instant feeds via facebook, twitter, Instagram and live streams from videographers pre-during and post racing to give much needed exposure for Brands and Sponsors.

TV Sports Networks capitalise on news provided by Motorsport Media up-dating results of rider’s achievements or otherwise with visual content and audio.
All of which provides growth for promotion of the industry which relies on riders wanting to pursue their passion racing dirt.
So what is sustainable promotion of Motocross for the future?
Demand meets supply only to the point that content meets the needs of the viewer.
Research states, delivering the right content is key to maintain viewer engagement through an array of tech platforms.
That means, tapping into the human interest factor of racing- behind the scenes, prep-time, pre-gate drop, moments on the track, battles on the track, coming through the field, passing, race-craft and all that entails within Team- rider relations.
Within all this, to capture the personal rider’s experience and transport this to the people- begs the question how much of this type of delivering the message will distract athletes, hurt their performance or will it increase their value?

A study of corporate sponsors of sports declared: ‘If you have two athletes really close in talent, would you choose the one who has a bigger social following. Answer yes’.
It would be challenging to disregard the impact promotion has on a rider’s racing career. The circle undoubtedly becomes round when rider’s performance is backed by Brand and sponsors who receive high rate of views per click from instant feeds- live, visual, or tweets.
It would also be challenging to remain stuck in a groove churning out up-date results when the push to use rider race experience in more creative ways to steer content for the demands of the viewer is now and the future.
Words: Sharon Cox June 22nd 2016
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