Heated debate- will ban of Formula One grid girls filter down to Motorsport Monster Energy girls?
Varying perspectives abound- quote Liberty Media owner of F1: ‘the custom of employing grid girls for Formula One Grand Prix does not resonate with our brand values and is clearly at odds with modern day societal norms’.
Whereas adding touch of glamour previewing Motorsport line-up from female figures to die for, is individual choice, paid and sought after role for many aspiring would be female Monster Energy and grid girls.
From a journalist perspective, covering Women Motorsport Athletes, marketing Women MX riders across varying Media platforms: website, Film, TV, social media along with promotional Initiatives to increase public awareness on the challenges Women in Motorsport take on board to compete in a competitive, male domintaed industry, less incorporation of non-Motorsport Women- grid girls inclusive would be shift in right direction.
From funding promotion of Women Motorsport Athletes, competition is stiff in relation to Brand/Team budget allocation marketing male riders. Varying reasons speak of: ‘there is little demand for Women Motorsport Athletes profiles…there is little interest in promotion of Women Motorsport riders from TV Networks…there are fewer views per YouTube, online or social media postings on Women MX racers’.

This argument is redundant. There is demand for Women in Motorsport- statistics prove Films produced and timed to feed the hungry viewers peak-out above male counterparts. Film edit preview on WMX Kiara Fontanesi reached 43K views within one week posting prior to Final WMX Rounds 2017.
Which pushes the point: why is there such fan/Media/TV interest in Grid Girls, Monster Energy girls walking and holding placards to introduce Motorsport racing effectively shifting the focus away from the Women actually racing?
Notwithstanding all individuals possess right of choice, mandates stated in respective sports Code of Ethics resounds loud and clear for Motorsport corporations to satisfy the responsibility of maintaining ethical practices which encompass integrity and mode of thinking on constant shift of societal dynamics for change.
Words: Sharon Cox
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