Jordan Jarvis has made number of tough decisions in past 12 months with ultimate goal to sustain her Motocross and Supercross career well into the future.

Coming off back of relegation of AMA Women’s Motocross Championship to Amateur status at end of 2018, Jordan rose to the challenge to strategically plan, implement and succeed at gaining valuable backing to race MX/SX for 2019 and beyond.
Having provided benchmark for Women to compete in AMA Outdoors MX Championship and AMA Supercross Futures in 2019, Jordan then set sights on achieving ultimate goal to race in Women’s MX World Championship Series in Europe.
Big box to tick, given economical pie is ever-so competitive amongst riders, let alone female MX/SX riders. But nail the objective- Jordan did. Making tough call to switch Brands to gain most important financial support to race AMA Supercross Futures and WMX selected Rounds, 2020 season is certainly gonna be a busy one for the gutsy American.
Starting on January 12th, Jordan raced Round 1 of Supercross Futures AMA National Championship Women’s class at St Loius. This official platform of Monster Energy AMA Supercross provides an opportunity for Amatuer riders to compete on full-size SX track across 26 classes. Jordan is currently leading the Women’s class with the main goal to gain points for AMA Supercross licence.
#30: ‘These first few rounds have be going pretty well. I’ve had a few tough races where I should have walked away with some points towards getting my sx license but things happen. I work hard by riding every other day and working out especially hard at the gym on my days off. I’ve been riding as much supercross as I possibly can to get ready and trying to prepare myself as much as possible for each of the remaining rounds of the futures’.

‘So far I have only raced the 250 futures class and the women’s class. I am starting to race college boy and or open A for more track time’.
Slotted in between supercrossfutures Rounds is Jordan’s long-held goal to compete against the Worlds best Women in Europe’s FIM Women MX World Championship. Doing so, meant taking all important monetary facts into consideration, and a deal was reached.
#30: ‘The switch to Kawasaki was especially difficult for me. I’ve been racing Yamaha’s for many years so it was tough to start over on a new bike when I was so comfortable on what I was riding before’.
‘With my progression in the Pro classes we needed more support. I knew I wanted to travel to other countries this year and see what other opportunities could possibly come from it. I had to go with a team that could offer everything I needed to continue to advance myself as a rider and better my career’.
Well wow is all I can say. To have Jordan line-up at WMX Opening Round at Matterley Basin is fair to say awesome. Not only does Jordan’s entry add extra level of anticipation to the Opener GP 2020, but also confirms how far Women have pushed to achieve higher status and recognition within their chosen sporting career.

#30: ‘I am so excited to have the chance to go race the European WMX class. With the WMX class in the US going away I’ve been looking for other options. I have always wanted to race in other countries and to travel and see the world. To be able to do both at the same time is truly an unbelievable opportunity’.
‘I am so honored to be able to get to race with all of the pro women who are in the European WMX class. They are amazing riders and truly respected and I know it will be such a learning experience and it will make me a better rider’.
With busy race calendar in place, Jordan has worked hard to make most of changing sports conditions, changing economical landscape and changing dynamics whereby riders/athetes needs must satisfy demands from sponsors.
#30: ‘The 2020 season is going to be by far the busiest of my career but I am so excited for it. I’m hoping to finally get my supercross license and make a few outdoor nationals as well’.
‘Going to Europe and racing will just top it off and make it my most exciting year of racing for sure. I’m ready for all the crazy adventures and everything else that is to come’.
Supercross Futures can be accessed on: WMX Opening Round: March 1st. Header Photo: Jordan Jarvis Photo Credit: David Lando Courtesy Feld Entertainment.
Words: Sharon Cox.
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