Innovation provides a competitive edge for Pokeno Whisky New Zealand. Founded by Matt Johns in 2017, the quality single malt distillery encompasses all that is important to Matt and his Team based at the foothills of Bombay, South of Auckland.

From the initial planning years of building state-of-the-art operations, to realizing the vision of producing a world-class spirit from ingredients sourced in New Zealand, Pokeno Whisky has established Brand awareness on the global market.
Derived from a philosophy of sustaining excellence in the craft of making whisky, Matt has remained uncompromising on the principle of quality over quantity within the Brands process of batch production, long fermentation, and slow distillation.
Such points of difference have been set from start-up, and have been developed as the Brand increases presence in global markets which in 9 months includes: America, France, China, UAE, Abu Dhabi, UK, and New Zealand.
The long-term investment has sustainable goals to realize, namely establishing Pokeno Whisky as ground-breaking enterprise for the production of whisky from native wooden, handcrafted barrels. The craft of cooperage is recognized as highly prized ingredient in the forming of whisky notes, from one batch to the next, accompanied by the Brand’s natural source of pure spring water and barley grain grown on the rich, fertile soils of the Canterbury plains.

If details matter to differentiate a product from competitors, Matt and the Team have pushed their levels of expertise further, namely seconding Scottish cooper to up-home and bring his craft to Pokeno Whisky, along with tapping into the natural elements that NZ offers from farm land, to automotive distillery.
Add to the vision, the savvy marketing style which incorporates elements of copper and native fauna, incapsulated within the location’s sub-tropical climate – Pokeno Whisky has leveraged new possibilities for creating consumer demand.
Certainly, locals have taken to the company’s open days for distilling tours and tasting on Saturday’s, along with following releases of batches and limited editions, which are sold quickly, over matter of weeks.
Definitely, Pokeno Whisky has re-defined the how, why, and where whisky can be produced through innovative principles of thought which has not only prompted release in overseas markets but also edges out competition whose mantra has been side-lined by founder, Matt Johns.
Pokeno Whisky:
Words: Sharon Cox.
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