Francesca Nocera loves to feel sense of harmony within herself. That special feeling of being able to reach for what her heart desires, to feel deep levels of satisfaction when goals are achieved whether it is riding or racing Motocross or helping others to go beyond what they deem impossible.

This character trait has always been with Francesca since a little girl- a physical and emotional strength that was to mean far more in latter years facing life’s uncertainties that lay ahead. It was in 2015, Francesca was diagnosed with cancer. The fear of the unknown on what was to come, how would surgery go, would there be therapy for recovery, would Francesca ever be able to ride and race again?
Learning to live with such shattering and life changing circumstances takes massive amount of courage. Supported and surrounded by family and partner, Francesca rewired her strength of conviction to overcome fear of the unknown.
In Francesca’s words: ‘I made a conscious effort to wake up each morning with a new goal: to actually live my life. I want to experience it all. I want to experience happiness from everything around me, big and small. It’s completely possible to live a happy life while dealing with problems. That’s one huge lesson I’ve learnt’.
To pin-point how a person manages such extreme depth of emotions confronting such a powerful illness, one needs to look beyond the day-to-day compromises Francesca made not being able to train, not being able to ride or race. To making deliberate resolutions of not giving in to ‘the here and now’ allowing herself to step forward and embrace what the future holds.

If a photograph tells a thousand words, this image of Francesca gives insight on true feelings experienced on her first race after cancer operation: ‘this picture is my all time favourite! My very first race after my first cancer operation taken at Arco-Trento’.
‘On Monday after the race I was ready to go into hospital to start therapy treatment. It was a moment for myself. I was feeling every single emotion. I was scared. But I promised myself I will come back even stronger! It’s not the end until you decide it’.
Francesca’s passion for her sport has no doubt provided the motivating factor to get back on the bike, push herself through the challenges of re-gaining physical fitness to race Women World Motocross.
Yet, it is more than that. For one thing, to combine head and heart to battle the extreme physical, mental and emotional effects of this devastating illness requires a certain type of personal strength. To then, reach into the chest-box of courage and put everything on the line to race the best Women MX riders in the world- is quite another level of conviction.
For Francesca- challenges were to be overcome, sometimes all on her own, yet knowing family, partner and friends were by her side ‘family is where love begins and never ends. Mum, Dad, my sister, partner and best friends are always with me’. Not least when #116 finished 2019 WMX Final Round at Imola, Italy to be proud of how far Francesca has come over such a difficult time in her life.
This film edit highlights special moments with Francesca over period of change in her life. Special thanks to Francesca for her time.
Words: Sharon Cox.
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