Formula One marks turn in Motorsport history by setting precedent on the future of racing. Outlined in 2019/2020 F1 Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion Strategies, the world’s highest racing body puts in place actions which determine how racing will take place in future years.

Under mission statement ‘leave a legacy of positive change wherever we race’, the far reaching principles of action not only push the development of Motorsport in new directions, but also prompt new found awareness that F1 can affect a more inclusive, diverse culture from ground zero up.
Taking steps towards F1 ‘WeRaceAsOne’ platform in 2019 has to be regarded as direct contrast to what has been traditionally male dominated sport. F1’s long history resides in fact that talented male drivers were touted by ‘people-of-influence’ whose deep pockets paved the way for placement within F1 Teams, ensuring pathways for developing race careers.
How F1 directives have changed. No longer are Formula One principles of thought centered on Overall standings of Championship, distracts of drivers performance on and off the track, mind games between Teams/drivers, or musical chair changes of drivers, Team principles and crew.

F1 focus has switched to sustainability of racing along with initiatives bringing diversity and inclusiveness within the sport as a whole. As stated by 2021 F1 Governance report- ‘F1, along with FIA and Teams will focus on:
- creating a clear pathway towards sustainably fueled hybrid engines
- reducing the amount of single-use plastic items and food waste within the pit and paddock
- rolling out internships and apprenticeships within F1 for under-represented groups
- funding scholarships for talented engineering students from diverse and under-privileged backgrounds
- growing F1 in Schools- already leading the way within STEM educational challenge
- grow awareness and support for WSeries talented female drivers coming through the ranks
- move towards new freight methods to low/zero carbon emissions in logistics and travel’.
Undoubtedly, the pro-active voice of Lewis Hamilton, F1 Champion 7x, specifically speaking out to ‘end racism’ in 2020 prompted awareness that athletes carry immeasurable amount of power, social influence and respect when sending messages of ‘call-to-action’ to global audience. None more so than when ‘Sir Lewis Hamilton’ fervently embraced solidarity of calls to end systemic racial injustice within societies around the world online and at track venues.

Formula One acknowledged such principles of action, taking measures to have ‘End Racism’ banners at race circuits, providing Media coverage of drivers taking knee prior to race start, along with inclusion of taking stand against issues which impact the well being of everyone- across all walks of life.
The response remains crucial to how Formula One body will action strategies for positive change- from blueprint to tangible action on the track as well as within mainstream public- whose daily lives, in reality, remain a million miles away from F1 race environment.
And, that is the rub. How the world’s highest sporting body has made common denominator of wanting a better life for all- top of list- wanting cleaner environments for generations to live in, wanting opportunities to enter Motorsport available no matter what class, gender or race, and wanting to hold their own corporation- F1 accountable to oversee all changes- is truly remarkable and deserved of utmost RESPECT.
Words: Sharon Cox.
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