Creating a concept for production of Media content – what does this mean? Straight up, a concept provides the principle of thought for developing content which will inform, generate interest, and leverage market audience on pitch of service, product or topic.
The concept identifies key aspects of the pitch in clear, concise language which is captured in content created to maximise exposure on Media platforms. A rule of thumb would be: make sure the concept conveys the intention of the creators to viewers through design, style, and presentation of pitch, supported by written and visual images to enhance main concept within one page.

An example of pitching a concept to generate interest and engagement of viewers is offered in The Woolmark Company campaign designed by MXLink. Brand association of product has been carefully linked within the company’s founding concept of providing quality, sustainable, performance wear to targeted consumers. The style of presentation has incorporated Brand logo design, placed upon image of wool fibres which symbolizes the natural elements of the product.
Equally, a concept cements an idea on development of product, service, or topic of discussion which has originated from desire to turn an interest or passion into marketing entity. The process following creation of concept to development and completion – all projected within Media content – has the capabilities of generating viewer interest and engagement in what is being offered.

For example: Samsung Health campaign has pitched to support ‘goal setting and tracking daily progress on levels of activity from workouts, to sleep quality, to calorie and water intake’. The concept creation has tapped into an area of well being which affects individuals who are interested on improving physical fitness via monitored progress on their Samsung Health App. The style of presentation has generated a feel-good factor within selected wording and images, designed to provoke thought on how to improve health and well being with the aid of technology.
Creating concepts which foster social responsibility and are sustainable can be achieved by blending ethical standards with product or service to market audience. Pitching content to attract potential partners and collaborators with similar principles of thought requires due diligence on exacting the message with sincerity on providing a tangible solution for a social problem.

For example: Outland Denim’s concept is to provide employment for persons who have been and are susceptible to human exploitation through the production of denim wear made from sustainable fabrics. The presentation of the company’s concept embraces the innovative strategy which has provided real-time employment for persons hampered by objectification while at the same time challenging society’s acceptance of work related practices.
Such creation of concepts not only form the basis on how, why, and what to develop into a tangible service, product, or topic for discussion, but also provide individuals with a platform to start a process from concept, to development, to completion.
Header photo: 2023 World Motocross Championship paddock. Image: MXGP.
Words: Sharon Cox.
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