Motorsport Brands engagement of fans has swung from traditional reports on results of Team/Riders performance to communications which meet demands of fan-base.

Why? In an era of technological communications of Live TV Broadcast, instant online feeds and up-close-and personal interviews with Team Riders across the board of Motorsport events, fans get to feel the real experience of what it’s like to be there, watching racing.
Furthermore, Branding position in competitive sports market demand for audience retention remains key.
Studies reveal viewers watch-time peaks and dips depending on loyalty to Team and Riders and on Brands ability to maintain authenticity amid cut-throat industry to take the win no matter what.
Equally, fans across the globe want to be ‘kept in the loop on what’s happening come race day’ with visual and audio uploads from the Rider’s themselves on their day.
Same goes for positioning of Motorsport promoters engagement of fan-base, growing on both sides of the world.
The in-corporation on promotion of Europe’s MXGP Series, by America’s premium AMA/Monster Energy Supercross channels along with Youthstream’s promotion of AMA/Monster Energy SX Series Riders, who are all linked under the umbrella of FIM World Championship Organization would go along way to foster world-wide audience attention to the sport in general.
A major step in this direction has been recently undertaken by Feld Entertainment.
When approached, if Feld would be interested on interviewing Italian World Motocross Women Champion Kiara Fontanesi on recent trip to USA, to race, Feld personal embraced the opportunity.
Not only that, Feld on interview with Kiara, were in awe of Kiara’s motivation, dedication and determination to live life to the fullest following her passion for Motocross, which has culminated in 5 WMX Titles- an inspiration to all.
With Feld taking on board ‘out of traditional box promotion of sport within USA’ the opening of Motorsport’s pandora box has the potential to equal any other sport commanding slice of fans attention through creative communications.
Words: Sharon Cox
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