The main goal for 2014 was to get NZ’s top Motocross Riders on TV.
Here’s a breakdown on what was involved- the challenges, the highlights and what’s next.
Filming Motocross Riders to TV involved:
- Telling a story on a Motocross rider, keeping it personal from the Riders point of view.
- Presenting whole Media package to TV Networks-TV3/TVOne/Sky Sport Speed inclusive of background info on rider/event, bio/profile of rider, storyline, questions to be asked, career highlights, previous film footage, photos, communications with all involved, negotiation to film/air story.

- Filming to TV3, TVOne and Sky Speed involved either: filming to be completed by myself and camera person with uploading of footage by 5.00pm deadline same day of racing: ie: Final Round of NZ MX Nationals and Speedcross. Or filming and editing to be completed by TV3, TVOne and Sky Speed at selected race or film venues to air on TV Networks Sports News and Magazine Show Sky Speed.
- Guarantee to air- there is none. Filmed and uploaded by myself held the least guarantee that piece would go to air on any TV Networks. Filmed and edited by TV3 and TVOne held slightly higher chance piece would go to air. Filmed by Sky Speed held far greater chance piece would make Sky Sport Speed Show.
- To make film to TV happen depends on: how good the story is, plus quality of vision.
- Storyline focused on Personal goals of Riders, Events: Junior World MX Championships and Grand Prix, MXoN Team NZ Interviews, Wrap of International Season for NZ Riders and Technical Bike Set-up for NZ MX1 Champion.
- Questions asked by Interviewers: TV3 Sports Producers, Sky Speed Greg Murphy, Stephen McIvor and myself were researched and included in Media package presented for negotiation to film.
- Costs: TV3, TVOne and Sky Speed committed x amount of $$$ to film (eg: camera person for one day’s filming $1,500) other filming costs were met by Brands and Sponsors.
Getting 10 stories on NZ MX Riders on TV in 2014 with one more to come.
What’s Next?
- Develop an App which provides individual Profiles of NZ Motocross Riders, up-dates on results, videos on Filming, Sponsor Endorsements, all personalised to download.
I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Xmas leaving a few highlight moments from years gone by:
Brad Groombridge: Tok SX Hamish Dobbyn Photo-Shoot
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